Kristull 2019 M Litter
Ch. Kristull SuperSonic (Sonic) X
ISWS & UKC Ch. Kristull Tirza
Born June 21, 2019
Eight puppies, 5 girls and 3 boys.
 Ch. Kristull
SuperSonic (Sonic)
ISWS & UKC Ch. Kristull Tirza
Here are the 3 boys!
Kristull Miles to Go
Black and White Male
at 18 weeks (4 1/2 months)

at 13 weeks (almost 4 months)

at 10 weeks (2 1/2 months

at 6 weeks

Kristull Maximum Overdrive
Silver Male with splashy white trim
at 18 weeks (4 1/2 months)

at 13 weeks (almost 4 months)

at 10 weeks (2 1/2 months

at 6 weeks

Smokey Champaign Male (the smallest male)
at 18 weeks (4 1/2 months)

at 13 weeks (almost 4 months)

at 10 weeks (2 1/2 months

at 6 weeks

And these are the five girls
Charcoal and tan sable Girl
at 18 weeks (4 1/2 months)

at 13 weeks (almost 4 months)

at 6 weeks

White with orange brindle spots Girl
at 18 weeks (4 1/2 months)

at 13 weeks (almost 4 months)

at 10 weeks (2 1/2 months

at 6 weeks

Black and White Girl
at 18 weeks (4 1/2 months)

at 13 weeks (almost 4 months)

at 10 weeks (2 1/2 months

at 6 weeks

Sunny Chocolate Sable Girl (lives with Ali in Virginia)
She was already basking in her new home for the 18 week photos
at 13 weeks (almost 4 months)

at 10 weeks (2 1/2 months

at 6 weeks

Cream Brindle and white Girl (lives in Wimberly TX)
at 18 weeks (4 1/2 months)

at 13 weeks (almost 4 months)

at 10 weeks (2 1/2 months

at 6 weeks


Chuck & Francie Stull
Kristull Ranch
8708 Grelle Lane,
Austin, TX 78744
270-799-8970 Cell
