Kristull Immersion Therapy (I.T.)
From the 2018 Kristull I Litter
ISWS & UKC Ch. Gryffyn's Kristull Bolero (Bolero) X Satsuma Kristull Tara (Tara)
Born June 30, 2018
MDR1 Untested
CEA Clear
These photos are a play session on Dec 13, 2018 when he was about 5 1/2 months old. IT is the brighter brindle. The darker one is his sister. The white with orange brindle markings is his brother, Irish Fire, and the little female that is white on one side and brindle on the other is another sister.

Here I.T. is on Oct 29, at about 4 months old

And back as an 8 week old pup
