Kristull 2018 I Litter
ISWS Ch. Gryffyn's Kristull Bolero (Bolero) X Satsuma Kristull Tara (Tara)
Born June 30, 2018
Four darling girls, and three strapping boys
ISWS Ch. Gryffyn's Kristull Bolero (Bolero)

Satsuma Kristull Tara (Tara)
Kristull Irish Fire ~~ Orange Brindle and White Male

Kristull Immersion Therapy ~~ Mahogany Brindle Male
Shown here at about 5 1/2 months. I.T. has his own page here:

Here he is at about 8 weeks

Kristull Icon of Royal Sooner ~~ Irish Marked Male

Three Spot Female

Mahogany Brindle Girl

Orange Brindle Girl

White with Brindle Spots Girl

Just fun photos to start with, since they are just under six weeks in these pictures.
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Chuck & Francie Stull
Kristull Ranch
8708 Grelle Lane,
Austin, TX 78744
270-799-8970 Cell

Silken Windhounds
