The Second Founding Event
Taken from a speech given by Francie Stull at the 2015 SilkenFest
By 2000, only one Whippet and one Borzoi had been brought into the breed successfully, to combine with the Longhaired Whippet Lurchers.
There were 14 males used from 1998 to 2003 at the Kristull Ranch
These are Gringo and his sons:
Gringo (13), brother of Dulce, sire of Ivanhoe, Indigo, Harlequin, Teal'c, Keeper Susie Q Keeper (Sawyer Brown) (3), son of Gringo & Nobunny, brother of Ivanhoe, Indigo, Susie Q Teal'C (1), son of Gringo, brother of Harlequin, Surprise Harlequin (4) son of Gringo, brother of Surprise, Teal'c Indigo (2), son of Gringo & Nobunny, brother of Ivanhoe, Keeper, Suzie Q Ivanhoe (4) son of Gringo & Nobunny, brother of Indigo, Susie Q, Teal'c, Keeper, Harlequin, sire of Fallon
- Fallon (10) son of Ivanhoe & Z Mystery
Gringo ~~ was a longhaired son of Bengala.
His mother was smooth, but carried the long hair recessively. He passed on sufficient coat.These are his sons who were used by Kristull during those years. Many of them also sired litters for others, and there were other closely related dogs that were sold and produced for other breeders, most with essentially the same genetics, like Kristull Iambic Pentameter, a brother of Indigo, Sawyer Brown, Susie Q Tangaloor, and Snowbunny by Cool Run.
Kristull Sawyer Brown
Kristull Texas Pinto
Kristull Theatrical
Harlequin (Harlelquin)
Kristull Indigo
Kristull Ivanhoe
Kristull Fallon
(Fallon) son of
Ivanhoe & Z Mystery
Nameless (Kristull Incognito) and his offspring make up the other half of the males used to found the breed from 1998 to 2003.
These are his sons and grandsons that we used to resurrect the breed:
Kristull Beloved Behemoth
(Beloved)- Nameless (9), son of Ruby, sire of Beloved, Umber, Chili, Cricket, Elvira,
- Beloved (2) son of Nameless & Hannah, brother of Elvira
- Umber (8) son of Nameless & Aitanga, brother of Ultima, sire of Denali
Denali (1) son of Umber & Jjuno,lost to the breed.- Flame (Chili) (5), son of Nameless & Darque Decision (Nameless' aunt), sire of Dante, Aitanga,
- Dante (5), son of Chili & Surprise, sire of Absolute
- Absolute (5), son of Dante,
Kristull Umber
Nameless X Aitanga
Kristull Umber
Kristull Denali
Umber X Jjuno
Kristull Chili
Nameless X Darque Decision
Kristull Dante
Chili X Surprise
Kristull Absolutely Cool Run
Dante X Gimlet
On the next page, I will show the females used and just how closely bred they were as well. The point that I am trying to make is that, although there were a number of founding dogs used originally, from three different breeds, by 2000, the majority of those genes had been lost to the breed, with nearly all dogs coming down from these two dominant studs, Gringo and Nameless.